Some adults have the belief that science is for children and young people, that their chance to learn something is already in the past, so they don't even consider the possibility of studying again or changing their career. They are afraid that if they decide to study again, they will be judged or even mocked by those around them, that they are too old or even "childish". But this is a complete myth! The truth is that it is never too late to learn, on the contrary, it is always useful to learn. Not only is it good for your brain, but it can benefit your career and maybe even change your life for the better!


If you're still wondering if it's worth studying long after you've finished your studies, we want to share four reasons why it's worth doing, which are most often cited by our graduates.



Knowledge grows old

Technology these days is changing, modernizing and renewing itself at a tremendous speed. What you understood and knew 10 years ago has now been completely replaced by new devices and applications. It's not just apps and devices that age, so do skills. Therefore, in order to keep up or change careers and establish yourself in today's market, it is necessary to update your knowledge and do so constantly.


Training Girl


Older age means more mature choices

When you were a teenager and a young man on your way to the adult world, you still had little experience and wisdom, and you had to choose your career path. Not everyone is able to choose a profession at such a young age that is truly meant for them and brings them joy. Being older, having more experience and knowing yourself better, you can confidently change your career path and choose something that you would really enjoy.


Training Student


Science is the key to your dream job

In order to change careers without learning anything new, it would probably not work very well to move away from your current profession. However, if you still dream of a radically different activity, science will be inevitable. However, the sciences should not be avoided, because they can open the door to any career path you want and allow you to work in the job of your dreams!


Training Alumnus


It's fun!

Perhaps you have few memories from school or even higher education and still find learning boring. But when you choose to study something that really interests you, science becomes a completely different experience. In addition, science changes your usual routine, brings innovations, new acquaintances, and all this will really diversify your life and, probably, make you feel happier.


Training for Alumni


If you think that your career path could be in the field of IT, we invite you to familiarize yourself with our offers training and rediscover yourself!


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