Matas, who worked in logistics after his bachelor's studies, decided to change his career. After "Vilnius Coding School" WEB development training, got a job Essential Apps. His story is an inspiration to those considering a career change.

What is your professional path before training? What field did you work in and how many years did you work?
I graduated from Vilnius Tech University. I have a bachelor's degree in Business Logistics. I worked in the field of logistics, as a transport manager for almost 2 years.

How did the training go? What knowledge and skills have you acquired?
I worked as a transport manager for almost 2 years and during that time I did not like this job at all. The work is stressful, constant communication on the phone with Russian-speaking drivers, uncertain working hours, it is difficult to plan free time. I was unhappy in this job, so I decided to retrain and try myself in a new field.

Logistics Cover

How did you choose your chosen training program and why Vilnius Coding School?
I have no strong arguments to answer this question. After looking at the training programs, without going too deep, I chose the one that appeared to be the most interesting at first glance and would not be the most difficult to learn. Because it seemed like it would be really too difficult to learn only programming, and I rejected data analytics because I wasn't interested. It was interesting and curious to learn how the pages we browse every day are created.

How did the training go? What knowledge and skills have you acquired?
Learning went well, it was interesting. We had an excellent teacher who explained and demonstrated everything in detail and clearly. If we didn't understand, he tried to explain and show in different ways, took his time, adapted to the students and taught at their pace. But just as the teacher said, joining the lectures and listening and watching what he will explain and do for 3 hours will definitely not be enough. If you like this training program, you will have to devote time to individual training.

It is not easy when you are completely green in a new field, but only through difficulties, obstacles, searching for information and mistakes in your work will you be able to learn it. I acquired a solid foundation of website development: I learned how to create a website framework using HTML5, style a website using CSS3, make it dynamic with JavaScript, program content management systems and templates using PHP, and work with data (MySQL).

Computer Laptop Student

How did the search for the company go? Was it difficult?
I was looking for a new job LinkedIn, I downloaded the "Vilnius Coding School" certificate, I finished additionally Udemy I downloaded the WEB development course, the certificate of which I received, I organized my profile and started sending my CV to those places where I met all the requirements, or at least most of them. I didn't send many CVs because maybe I underestimated myself and thought that I don't have enough knowledge and I'm completely inexperienced, which is also true. But the companies that invite us for interviews, they know that we don't have experience just after completing the course and we don't have much to offer, so they will have to invest in us and train, so I think the most important thing is to show a great desire, also that they continue to seek knowledge through self-education , to show the projects you have created.

What advice would you give to people who dream of changing careers, but do not dare for various reasons (thinking that it is too late to change something, that they will be too weak for IT companies, etc.)?
I would advise you to stop thinking about such things and start doing. When I was in my situation, I didn't really think about whether it was too late to change something or whether I wouldn't be too weak for IT companies. At that time, all I could think about was that I was very unhappy in my current job and I couldn't work in that field any longer. What could go wrong if you try? And nothing. Searching for yourself, trying new areas is good, these are the signs of a strong person who is not afraid of change, wants to learn new things, and most importantly, be happy doing the work you love

Do YOU ​​want to learn too?
You can find the registration for programming and IT project management basics training HERE.

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