If you have recently completed an IT course or higher education, naturally the next step is to find an internship or job. You may have made contacts while still studying and already have an offer or several. Yes, they are probably one of the reasons why you chose this field viability and the lack of employees, so right now it can seem like the whole market wants you and you can reject offers until you finally find the one you like the most. However, we do not recommend doing so. In this post, we'll explain why.


It is best to start immediately

If you allow yourself to be controlled by the idea that you can choose any job you want, you will become very selective about all job offers. We can guarantee it - although everyone will have some flaws. A month or more may go by and you will still be out of work. Even if getting income as soon as possible is not important to you or you are currently working in another field, the more you delay, the more you will start to forget what you have learned. When it comes to the IT market, practice is the most important thing. After accepting one of the first offers, you will be able to apply the knowledge in practice immediately, that is, on a daily basis improve.

regiment 1

Familiarity with the IT field

Although working in IT can be very varied and sometimes radically different, there are certain similarities and commonalities everywhere. No matter where you get a job, you will immediately have the opportunity to get to know the "kitchen" of the IT field and, in addition to immediately gaining experience, you will be able to understand whether you like this kind of work in general. Also, wherever you get a job, you will immediately make acquaintances, which means a greater chance of getting other job offers in the future. On the other hand, even if the offer seems flawed at first, it's very possible that once you get the job, you'll really like it, and maybe even have a good career at that company.


You can always change jobs

No matter where you get a job, you can always look for another, better job in parallel. The difference is that when you get the job offer of your dreams or come across an ad, you will have an extremely valuable asset - experience. So, by accepting any first job offer, you don't lose your chance of finding and getting your dream job, you actually increase it. If you try to work well, you will take away not only experience from your first workplace, but also the best recommendations from employers. Just keep in mind that once you get a job somewhere, change jobs only for a really important reason - a CV that shows you changing jobs every few months will definitely not be attractive to any employer.

So, our advice would be specific - don't be picky when accepting your first job offer in the IT field. Also remember that we live in turbulent times where the entire job market is quite unstable, so any job is better than none right now. And if there is an opportunity, you can always change to a better one. Good luck!