JS 492 Delivery Cover


Recently, Vilnius Coding School started the so-called "long" training. These are extended training programs consisting of 492 hours, lasting 3-6 months. These programs are also financed by the state for employed and unemployed persons.

Join us for the presentation of our JavaScript long training program, during which "Vilnius Coding School" lect. A. Markevičius will tell you everything a beginner programmer needs to know, will introduce you to the structure of the program and its content, and will demonstrate what tasks you will start the training with, what you will learn during the course and what you will be able to do at the end of the training.

During the event, you will learn not only about the advantages and areas of use of JavaScript, but also how it can be useful for starting your career in the IT field.

What is JavaScript? JavaScript programming language is one of the favorite and most preferred among programmers. In fact, according to Stack Overflow data, this programming language has been on the most popular chart for a decade.

The JavaScript framework React JS is one of the most popular frameworks used by more than 40 percent of professional programmers. It is an open source JavaScript library developed by Facebook. Another popular technology, TypeScript is basically a more advanced version of JavaScript with lots of handy features. A slightly more complex, but no less convenient and popular tool CSS and its frameworks Bootstrap and Tailwind allow you to create impressive designs with powerful functions.

Join the free launch of the new JavaScript training program and find out if this could be your path to IT.

📌 WHERE? Online environment;
📌 WHEN? January 17, 18:00 p.m.;

On the day of the event (January 17), email by mail, we will send you a login link.

The event is free, but registration is required. You can register a little below.